Monday, April 24, 2006

Now this is my queen. By far.

I am trying to work my stuff. Like this. Everyday. Embrace a lightpole and make the most out of it.

Now would you believe it.

I actually managed to create this blog. And as I guessed, I really don't have anything to say. Due to the fact that I am funnier in Norwegian, by far, I will have to straighten up my english and become as witty and eloquent (is that even a word?) as I normally am. Or at least think I am. Yeah I guess. Tootles.

Ahaha. I just discovered the spelling check. I am overwhelmed by joy. I am actually so joyful that I think I will throw in a little exclamation point. ! (Oh my goodness. The blogging has taken over already, I guess the next thing will be that I actually start swearing in my texts. Fuck. Christian. This is all your fault.)